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Pinna Foods and Medicines


Basic requirement for life. Remember to change it daily!

Chinese Cabbage
A delicious treat! Staple it to a perch and let your birds enjoy a tasty snack.
Detailed Info
All Birds
Chinese Cabbage is liked and eaten well by all birds.
The vitamins, minerals, and fiber are essential for good health, especially during breeding season.
Since it wilts quickly, replace often.

A source of calcium, and a fun toy for your birds to nibble on. Attaches to a perch.
Detailed Info
Dried internal bones of the cuttlefish. The calcium content is similar to Bore Powder. Parrots obtain the calcium by gnawing on it.
Main Ingredient:

Barnyard Grass
Echinochloa crus-galli, a basic requirement for all bird seed mixes, some more than others.
Detailed Info
All Birds
Also known as Echinochloa crus-galli. It has a natural good taste and is well liked.
Nutrition in 100g:
Carbohydrates: 61.9g
Protein: 9.3g
Lipid: 4.2g
Ash: 3.3g
Vit B: .40mg
Vit B2: .10mg
Nicotinic Acid: 4mg
Calcium: 33mg
Calories: 308kcal

Misnamed, this is actually millet.
Detailed Info
Gouldian Finch
Java Sparrow
Strawberry Finch

From the same source as Barnyard Grass only larger and paler.
Main Ingredients in 100g:
Carbohydrates: 57.4g
Protein: 12.7g
Lipid: 3.5g
Ash: 3.8g
Vit B: .40mg
Vit B2: .10mg
Nicotinic Acid: 4mg
Calcium: 20mg
Calories: 298kcal

Blue Rice
Pretty sure this is just Rice. A nice snack, not used in any mixes. Low in fat, high in carbs!
Detailed Info
Java Sparrow
Fruit from the second seeding of the rice plant. It is well liked and should only be given as a snack.
Nutrition in 100g:
Protein: 7.4g
Fat: 2.3g
Carbohydrates: 72.5g.

Bore Powder
Calcium supplement, just powdered oystershell. Keep it around during breeding season. YUM, DUST
Detailed Info
All Birds
Because Calcium Phosphate is abundant, it helps form hard eggshells and is useful in skeletal formation.
Main Ingredient:
Pulverized oyster shell

Canary Mix
A mix of seeds, grains and nuts perfect for Canaries.
Detailed Info
Basic nutritional balance for the Canary. Combine with Bore Powder, Chinese Cabbage, and Egg Food for greater balance.
Main Ingredients:
Grain Cereals
Canary Seed
Barnyard Grass
Niger Seed
Poppy Seed
Lettuce Seed
Several Miscellaneous Seeds

Canary Seed
Phalaris canariensis, used for all mixes EXCEPT Lovebird and Strawberry Finch.
Detailed Info
Gouldian Finch
Java Sparrow

Grain cereals especially liked by the Canary, but readily eaten by other birds as well.
Nutrition in 100g:
Protein: 13.6g
Fat: 4.9g
Carbohydrates: 52.0g

Rapeseed, used ONLY for red factor canary seed mix. High in fats!
Detailed Info
High fat content seed. Aside from the Canary, it can cause obesity.
Nutrition in 100g:
Protein: 19.4g
Carbohydrates: 41.0g
Lipid: 41.0g.

Egg Food
Supplement to induce egg-laying in birds. Egg yolk powder, wheat flour, peanuts, vitamins and minerals. Do not use while incubating!
Detailed Info
Gouldian Finch

Can cause sexual excitement in adult birds and should not be given while incubating eggs.
Main Raw Ingredients:
Dried Yolk
Wheat Flour

Perilla, a kind of mint. Nutritional powerhouse, used in red factor canary mix.
Detailed Info
Other birds should not be given much of this.
Nutrition in 100g:
Protein: 17.7g
Lipid: 43.4g
Carbohydrates: 15.2g
Ash: 3.9g
Calcium: 390mg
Phosphorus: 550mg
Iron: 16.4mg
Potassium: 590mg
Carotene: 16g
Vit B: .54mg
Vit B2: .29mg
Calories: 544kcal

Finch Mix
A blend of seeds carefully selected for finch health. Used for Strawberry Finch and Java Sparrow.
Detailed Info
Java Sparrow
Strawberry Finch

Basic nutritional balance for the finch.
Main Ingredients:
Grain Cereals
Green and Yellow Vegetables

Foxtail Millet
Setaria italica, high in carbs and fiber, low in fat. Used in all seed mixes.
Detailed Info
All Birds
Very little difference from Barnyard Grass.
Main Ingredients in 100g:
Carbohydrates: 63.7g
Protein: 9.9g
Lipid: 3.5g
Ash: 2.9g
Vit B: .40mg
Vit B2: 20.10mg
Nicotinic Acid: 4.5mg
Calcium: 21mg
Calories: 306kcal

Hemp Seed
Cannabis sativa, lovebirds love this oily seed. Use just a touch in Lovebird seed mix.
Detailed Info
Because it is well liked, and can cause obesity, it should only be given in moderation.
Main Ingredients in 100g:
Carbohydrates: 12.7g
Protein: 27.1g
Lipid: 25.6g
Vit B: .32mg
Vit B2: .72mg
Calcium: 140mg
Calories: 368kcal

Java Sparrow Mix
A premixed blend of various seeds, for the health of your Java Sparrow.
Detailed Info
20% Millet
10% Canary Seed
50% Barnyard Grass
20% Foxtail Millet

Kokin Mix
A carefully selected seed mix for the health and happiness of Gouldian Finches.
Detailed Info
Gouldian Finch
Basic nutritional balance for the Gouldian Finch. Combine with Bore Powder, Chinese Cabbage, and Egg Food for greater balance.
Main Ingredients:
Chlorella on Barnyard Grass
Foxtail Millet
Canary Seed
Red Foxtail Millet
Other Seeds

Dried mealworms, a favorite treat of bug-eating birds. Very fatty.
Detailed Info
Strawberry Finch
A larva which is found in grain cereals, and is eaten live.
Feed as a secondary food during breeding season.
However, because of the high fat content, it should only be given in moderation.

Niger Seed
Guizotia abyssinica, a rich and oily seed favored by finches. Used in Gouldian Finch and Red Factor Canary mixes.
Detailed Info
Gouldian Finch

Canaries and Finches are very fond of this black seed.
Main Ingredients in 100g:
Protein: 33g
Lipid: 5.6g
Carbohydrates: 23.3g

Parrot Mix
A delicious blend of fruits, seeds and nuts for your parrot. Lovebirds love this mix.
Detailed Info
Basic nutritional balance for medium sized parrots.
Main Ingredients:
Grain Cereals
Green and Yellow Vegetables

Misnamed. Duplicate of colza?

Red Food
Nutritional supplement to let your red factor canaries shine bright.
Detailed Info
Combination of Xanthine and Beta Carotene.
Very effective for dyeing the plumage of the Canary. Most effective when used before molting occurs.
To maintain rich color, feed once a week.


Misnamed, this is just water. Change it twice a day if it's medicated!

Vitamins. Supplement added to water.
Detailed Info
More than 13 vitamins including amino acids, minerals, and microelements.
Add 3% to a water supply.
Change treated water twice a day as it spoils quickly.
Have untreated water available as well.

Basic broad-spectrum antibiotic. Add to water when your birds are sick.
Detailed Info
Used to treat a wide range of infections.
Add 1% to a water supply.
Change treated water twice a day as it spoils quickly.
Have untreated water available as well.
Use for 3-14 days depending on severity of the illness.